

Vedran Gligo (born 1984) – a self-taught DIY hacker/artist/organizer/educator. Strongly applying open source principles in everyday life and practice and working to empower the local community by holding free and open digital workshops through the project which he co-founded in 2009.
Working with Format C Art Org, he is active in the fields of free culture, promotion of the GNU/Linux system, glitch art production, large-scale collaborative online art, independent cultural production, (h)activism, and more. He is one of the curators and founders of Fubar – an annual new media gathering. He is a member of the Croatian Association of Interdisciplinary Artists (HUIU).

Vedran Gligo (1984.) – samouki DIY haker / umjetnik / organizator / edukator. U svojoj svakodnevnoj praksi snažno primjenjuje principe slobodnog softvera i osnažuje lokalnu zajednicu održavajući besplatne i otvorene digitalne radionice u zagrebačkom hacklabu01 koji je suosnovao 2009.
Kroz Format C djeluje u području slobodne kulture, promocije GNU / Linux sustava, glitch stvaralaštva, suradničke online umjetnosti velikog razmjera, nezavisne kulturne produkcije, (h)aktivizma (…). Jedan je od kustosa i osnivača Fubara – godišnjeg novomedijskog okupljanja. Član je Hrvatske udruge interdisciplinarnih umjetnika (HUIU).


Inspired by the capacity of art to critique and initiate discourse on the challenges of contemporary technological infrastructure, my work investigates internet infrastructure as a creative medium, fostering the development of new networks and artist-owned systems. Employing web technologies and visual glitch art as my primary visual language, I seek to engage with and expand the possibilities of digital expression. Through my practice, I aim to disseminate knowledge within the artistic community regarding the construction of free and open systems by repurposing corporate IT methodologies. I contend that an understanding of the infrastructure underlying contemporary creative tools must be safeguarded to prevent its further commodification and ultimate removal from the public domain. My work serves as a call to action, encouraging individuals to develop their own systems while ultimately challenging and destabilizing the prevailing status quo of global network infrastructure.

Vedran Gligo (born 1984) – a self-taught DIY hacker/artist/organizer/educator. Strongly applying open source principles in everyday life and practice and working to empower the local community by holding free and open digital workshops through the project which he co-founded in 2009.
Working with Format C Art Org, he is active in the fields of free culture, promotion of the GNU/Linux system, glitch art production, large-scale collaborative online art, independent cultural production, (h)activism, and more. He is one of the curators and founders of Fubar – an annual new media gathering. He is a member of the Croatian Association of Interdisciplinary Artists (HUIU).

Vedran Gligo (1984.) – samouki DIY haker / umjetnik / organizator / edukator. U svojoj svakodnevnoj praksi snažno primjenjuje principe slobodnog softvera i osnažuje lokalnu zajednicu održavajući besplatne i otvorene digitalne radionice u zagrebačkom hacklabu01 koji je suosnovao 2009.
Kroz Format C djeluje u području slobodne kulture, promocije GNU / Linux sustava, glitch stvaralaštva, suradničke online umjetnosti velikog razmjera, nezavisne kulturne produkcije, (h)aktivizma (…). Jedan je od kustosa i osnivača Fubara – godišnjeg novomedijskog okupljanja. Član je Hrvatske udruge interdisciplinarnih umjetnika (HUIU).

